TF2 Idling for items

I first started with trying to get some Team Fortress 2 items by idling, I found a few guides on Youtube where some guide explained a method of idling that could be found on the facepunch TF2 forum, and I can tell you this, idling works, and I still do idling but it's not a flawless method of getting TF2 items. When I was a noobie I got around 8 items per week from each of my idling accounts which is a fair little bonus for doing very little.
But my main problem with idling is that it requires such a large money investment in order to get a good TF2 idling farm, because in order to trade you need to have a premium TF2 account and that doesn't cost that much, but when you're upgrading several TF2 accounts it get very expensive, for example if you want to have 10 idling accounts (that would give you 80 items per week or so) then you would have to buy premium for each and everyone of them, to get premium you just need to buy a item from the Mann Co. Store the lowest isn't even a $1, but in order to pay for items in the store you need to fill your Steam wallet and the minimum is $5, so you might see my problem here, for 10 account I would need to pay $50 for upgrading them all (10*$5)

TF2 Idling video Tutorial

How to get free items idling in TF2

I included a video from Youtube that I followed and that works great, keep in mind that this guide is for idling on multiple accounts at the same time using a program called Sandboxie, and that software cost money if you want to use the full version of it, there's a free version but with the free version you can only idle with one account. Sandboxie isn't a hacks or a TF2 program it's simple a software that let's you run other programs on your computer totally isolated from the rest of the computer, making it possible to install several instances of Steam on one computer, and then running more then one Steam account at once.

This is a advanced tutorial which need a investment in both cash and time, but it works wonders for those who follow it.

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